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After Math
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The Opportunist (Love Me With Lies, #1)
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Epilogue: The Dark Duet (The Dark Duet, #2.5)
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Beautiful Bastard
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Death Comes Home (In Darkness We Must Abide, #1)
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My Life as a White Trash Zombie

My Life as A White Trash Zombie - Diana Rowland Angel remembers blood. LOTS and lots of blood, she remembers teeth and bones... when she wakes up in the hospital. But, there isn't a scratch on her, she's whole and in tact with a nurse telling her she overdosed on a pill buffet.She decided she's had enough of the hospital- she's leaving. She rips her IV out, when another nurse comes into tell her that two detectives want to talk to her about a body that was found not far from were she was discovered... NAKED- OD'ed on the side on the road. But she doesn't remember anything!The nurse gives her a bag containing clothes, a note that tells her she has a new job driving the van for the morgue and these shake things with instructions to drink one only every other day.Her first day on the job, while watching her very first autopsy... "A dead man. Buck *ss naked with his shriveled little junk right there for everyone to see." -Angel upon seeing her first dead body.Now, Angel can't figure out why she suddenly has the over-whelming urge to scoop this dead guys brains out of his skull with a spoon and eat them like ice cream.Dude, as you can imagine she is more than a little freaked out by this unusual brain craving- but she fights it and goes on about her day.The realization finally hits her that she is an actual ZOMBIE after she is out on a call one night and a rotted, gross guy tries to attack her for the body in the back of her van!Now, she has a LOT of questions! But WHO is she supposed to ask? Sure some anonymous person or zombie more likely has been leaving her notes and helping her 'survive' but how is she supposed to contact them?Then there is Deputy Inanov... Marcus. You know, the same guy who arrested her for stealing a car (that she almost didn't know was stolen when she 'bought' it) Marcus is also insanely hot, wicked sweet, totally caring... hot, kind, sensitive... HOT. But, how can she like him like THAT? But how can she NOT? The bigger question is does HE like her like that? Or is he just a sweet, concerned and incredibly sexy police man? "Yeah, right. I'm finally getting my life together. Too bad I had to die first." -AngelThe end of this book will totally shock you, I SO didn't see THAT coming!! My Life as a White Trash Zombie is total awesomeness. I loved watching angel go from pill-popping reject, to a mature, respectable brain-eating adult.