This book is told in the alternating POV's of FOUR different women. Allison (the ex-con), Brynn (her sister), Charm (a nurse) and Claire (Joshua's adopted mother and the owner of a bookstore). Then there is Joshua, the little boy that connects them all.Oooookay, so I liked this book- but I didn't like this book. I know right? Indecisive much? I didn't like the switching POV's, seriously if it hadn't been for the chapter titles telling me who was talking then I would have been totally confused!BUT... Seriously this book really intrigued me because I totally couldn't figure it out! I'd think I had it all figured out- then BAM! Nope, I was wrong.These Things Hidden begins when Allison is being released from prison, but it takes forever to find out WHAT she did that was so incredibly horrific. The whole time I'm dying trying to figure out how Joshua is connected to these four women...Like I said- I was irritated , but intrigued... So what's a girl to do?I thought the end was sort of depressing. UGH! We're going with 3.5 stars!