WEREWOLVES? On the TITANIC??? Epic win!Tess and Alec... no matter which way I look at it, or turn it around in my head- their relationship never felt REAL to me! I was never convinced of either of their feelings for the other. They fall "in love" like *BAM*, after a series of less than pleasant meetings and there is nothing supporting it!Their relationship does become more plausible as the book continues, but only because we're more invested in the story and the characters! There was still never any real basis for WHY she was suddenly so in love with him.The several subplots in Fateful were VERY well done, and very, very exciting! The noble family of Lisle... PENNILESS! Their son and heir impregnating a lowly servant girl, and letting his parents cast her out to starve! Their meek and timid, but kind daughter in love with someone she can never have... These were FLAWLESS and I loved every second of them!George and Myriam... I'd have LOVED to hear more about them!!! George is an officer on the ship and Myriam is a third class passenger, their insta-love connection NEVER felt forced! It was sweet, romantic and as simple as "hello". *sigh*You know... it's not like I didn't KNOW how this story would end. Obviously, the Titanic sinks... it's still terribly tragic! Gray does a beautiful job of recreating these terrifying and heartbreakingly sad moments, "As I look past him and realize there are no more lifeboats close by, I wonder if we've found each other too late." "Won't you tell Myriam- I'm sorry not to have had more time with her." -George (my poor, sweet George) "When she takes my hand, I know it's all been real- all of it- and the horror is even more powerful than the fact that I've survived." -TessI had finally been completely won over by this story- I'm talking 4.5 stars, only knocking the .5 because of my initial reservations toward Alec and Tess.When I got to the very last few pages, I was completely disappointed! My heart was breaking into 1000 pieces (which is good... I'm feeling EMOTION for Tess, finally!) and NO, I'm NOT going to tell you how it ends!I have NO doubt in my mind that a lot of people will probably love this ending- I, on the other hand was not a fan. So after much deliberation... 4 STARS! • • • • • • • • • And HOW freaking gorgeous is the new cover?! I absolutely LOVE it, the crimson dress she wore the day her and Alec had their date... her BLONDE hair (I wondered who the brunette chick was on the other cover!), the ice, the moon... everything is perfect! I loved the other one, but this cover is FAR more suited to the book!