The end of Matched was completely heart-breaking for me... traumatic if you will! They haul Ky away and Cassia's world basically folds in on itself as everything she has ever known about life and the Society seems to crumble.Crossed opens with a chapter from Ky's perspective, he's standing in a river that the Society has convinced people is poisonous... so no one ever tries to cross it. I am filled completely with despair while he is forced to dispose of a dead body of an aberration- like himself...He is barely surviving at the "camp" in which he is being imprisoned. Ky and the others in the camp are used as human decoys in daily attacks on their "village". With barely enough food and water to survive, much less defend themselves with the FAKE weapons the Society gave them... his fellow Aberrations fall around him from starvation, dehydration or bullets.Cassia has been moved from work camp to work camp, hoping for her chance to escape in order to search for Ky. The morning comes in which she is to be moved to her permanent placement, and Soldiers come for two of her bunk mates- one of them runs. Cassia can only hope she makes it and pray that where ever the Society plans to drop her is closer to Ky... "Ky is heavy in my mind, deep in my heart, his palm warm on my empty hands. I have to try and find him. Loving him gave me wings and all my work has given me the strength to move them." ~CassiaOnly instead of being placed in a permanent work position, Cassia is sent to a DECOY camp... the same one that Ky had escaped from two days earlier! I know!!! Despite all the horrible things Cassia is going through, she doesn't break. She simply FIGHTS. She holds her head up against the Society, and all but gives them the finger. Obstacle after obstacle, hurdle after hurdle Cassia manages to come out on top. Does she find Ky only to lose him all over again? Will small deceptions turn into larger betrayals? And more importantly, will they be forgiven?I LOVED how much Cassia grew and learned about herself from Matched to Crossed.. Ky may have taught her that she COULD do things, but she knows now that she can do them them HERSELF.