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The Vampire Queen's Servant
Joey W. Hill
Gabriel's Inferno
Sylvain Reynard
OCD Love Story
Corey Ann Haydu
Up to Me
M. Leighton
Falling Into You
Jasinda Wilder
After Math
Denise Grover Swank
The Opportunist (Love Me With Lies, #1)
Tarryn Fisher
Epilogue: The Dark Duet (The Dark Duet, #2.5)
C.J. Roberts
Beautiful Bastard
Christina Lauren
Death Comes Home (In Darkness We Must Abide, #1)
Rhiannon Frater

The Catastrophic History of You and Me

The Catastrophic History of You and Me - Jess Rothenberg Oh my god! The chapters were titled in SONGS!!!! Okay, being someone who LOVES all different kinds of music- I absolutely LOVED this little detail!Examples: Don’t You (Forget About Me) Take Another Little Piece of My Heart Now Baby Send Me An Angel Shot Through The Heart, And You’re To Blame California Dreamin’ Somewhere Over The RainbowRIGHT?!?! Okay, okay…THEN… The first page- YES, the FIRST PAGE, the author utilizes the word EPIC, and we all know how EPIC I deem this to be… AND makes references to Wesley and Buttercup, Harry and Sally and breaks out the 80′s theme music to boot! EPIC WIN!Needless to say after this, I’m singing, “Our love is like a storybook story…” over and over in my head for about four hours and making my kids watch Princess Bride with me! Shhhhyea I did!Anyway, moving ON- “Love’s super-sneaky like that. It creeps up the second you turn your head to check how cute your butt looks in that new pair of jeans. The minute you’re distracted by SATs, or who kissed who at your best-friends Sweet Sixteen, or the fact that you didn’t get the lead in Into the Woods (I hate you, Maggie Elliot), and now you have to play Cinderella , when everyone knows it isn’t as good a part as the witch.”I know right?! SQUEE hardcore! If you can’t tell by now Brie is walking us through the throes of her broken heart and doing it will making us laugh hysterically! This is one of those books that I literally wanted to copy down almost EVERY OTHER SENTENCE to use in my review… “Falling in love is pretty much the same thing as being eaten alive by a grizzly bear.”Brie was 15 when she LITERALLY died of a broken heart. *tears* even though some people blame the heart murmur she had since the day she was born- she knows different. Her heart was broken IN HALF by Jacob Fischer… Or Hottie McHotterson. *giggles*Well, by the end the the first chapter I’ve got big, huge crocodile tears rolling down my face… Laughing insanely and crying intently in the same chapter? The FIRST chapter no less? Um yeah., definitely a sign of freaking EPICness.And then I’m laughing and crying some more… And laughing WHILE crying! “I’m not really sure what I expected the whole After Life thing to look like exactly, but I was pretty sure it would’ve had something to do with fluffy clouds and giant watersides and golden-doodle puppies and, like, galloping around on a black stallion all day, every day. Not quite.”The Catastrophic History of You and Me is PHENOMENAL!!!! Beautiful, tragic AND hilariously funny… You will not be able to put this book down. No, I’m completely serious. I stayed up all night (*ahem… on Christmas!) reading it!