Seriously- Aurora was FREAKING HILARIOUS! I’m mean, that I am laughing OUT LOUD from page TWO… on. And um just a little minor, mini piece of AWESOME- she isn’t a dog person. Shhhhyea! Sorry EVERYONE. I find this super fab, because SOME of us just aren’t!!! Okay, moving on…Aurora is snarky, sarcastic, mouthy and all round SUPER freaking awesome! LOVED her! And ladies… oooh ladies… everything you’ve heard thus far about the Hex Boys? All the hype about how AMAZINGLY sexy they are… how drool-worthy… and how they are the source UTTERLY hot and inappropriate fantasies?Yeah, it’s ALL TRUE. Times TEN. Just saying. “He looked like trouble. Dark, sexy trouble. The kind of trouble smarter girls than me had fallen into with disasterous results- and few regrets.”Oooh yes, please! “He stood cocked liked a loaded gun with a hair trigger.” *Brunette swoons*So….my favorite Hex Boy was Ayden. Oh. My. God. *shivers*Okay, so you may think this book was filled with only SUPER YUMMY Smexy Hexy Boys… Oh wait… What? *distracted by Hex Boy deliciousness* and with SIX of them, there are FIVE left for you ladies to fight over. ;) Anysexyhexy… Demons at Deadnight was SO MUCH FUN. Not just Aurora and her spit-fire personality either, the Boys were AMAAAAZING, the back and forth banter, the SUSPENSE… and WAIT for it… the PARENTS.Swear to God. Parents that CARE and are PRESENT and accounted for… no tragic deaths at the age of 2 to be raised by wolves. Family TOGETHERNESS, camaraderie and loyalty were EASY to pick up on. This is was one of my favorite parts (beside the smexy Hex’s & the dog thing… and the awesome dialog…) I always say absentee parents don’t bug me in YA, because I feel like it just ‘is’… and it DOESN’T. Until I read something like Demon’s at Deadnight and I’m all… *awwww*.Bottom line- AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME! Fun, sexy, suspenseful and brimming with Hex Boy Hottness. What more could you ask for???