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The Vampire Queen's Servant
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Gabriel's Inferno
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OCD Love Story
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Up to Me
M. Leighton
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Jasinda Wilder
After Math
Denise Grover Swank
The Opportunist (Love Me With Lies, #1)
Tarryn Fisher
Epilogue: The Dark Duet (The Dark Duet, #2.5)
C.J. Roberts
Beautiful Bastard
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Death Comes Home (In Darkness We Must Abide, #1)
Rhiannon Frater

Girl of Nightmares

Girl of Nightmares - Kendare Blake Our favorite sarcastic, witty and awesomely EPIC ghost hunter is BACK with a vengeance in the second installment of Anna Dressed in Blood! We hit the ground running with Anna, Cas, Thomas and Carmel!Cas has decided to finish out high school in Thunder Bay, while he's desperately trying to solve the mystery of what happened to Anna after she disappeared while saving their lives.Cas KNOWS she's in pain wherever she is, because he keeps SEEING her and such... Which should literally be impossible because once a ghost has "crossed over" they're supposed to STAY there. Which in turn leads him to question further WHERE she really ended up after she disappeared with the most evil ghost Cas had ever had to cross before.As days pass and Cas continually watches Anna burn to death, or throw herself out his bedroom window over and over again... And as it gets to be too much for him to bare any longer - he decides that NO MATTER what the cost- he WILL save her.But who will save him from himself?As good as Girl of Nightmares was... It sadly doesn't hold a candle to Anna Dressed in Blood. It literally KILLS me to say that, and it's quite possible that my expectations were far too high... And while I was still (mostly) riveted to the pages while Cas works through this nightmare... I was just expecting... More?Some parts seemed rushed, others seemed way too drawn out or even completely unnecessary in my opinion. I was satisfied with the ending, it was clean and tidy, wrapped in a bow and sealed with a morbid kiss... if you will.I don't imagine this series to continue, I can't fathom WHERE it would go. *sigh* I'm assuming this was a two book series?Regardless, you should totally read Girl of Nightmares- as it ties up Anna and Cas's  story quite nicely.Awesome quotes from my still FAV ghost hunter:"I think I killed a girl who looked lke this once.""I like to keep my crazy all to myself.""bumble-fuck nowhere"Buy Girl of Nightmares on Amazon!Read my EPIC CROWNED REVIEW of Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake