Zombie Princess Apocalypse starts out with a sort of… Scientific explanation of how the world was created or something… Yeah… I got no idea. But I was laughing thinking, “WTF is happening?” Because I do not who is talking or WHAT they’re talking about- but it’s funny as hell.“Professor Pipsqueak, I will rouse a horde of social networking berserkers against you and you will be shamed into coming to your senses!”Right? Lol as far as I can tell… Someone is giving a lesson on how the Earth came to be and he’s either insane- or one of those awesome teachers that you ACTUALLY learn from! One in the same am I correct?Turns out, he’s a carny with the Brownings Traveling Oddities!Emm was born in an igloo and orphaned by age six. Her and her stepmother, Steph, travel with the Oddities until Emm’s sixteen. Then they settle in a little town called Modesta, California and she’s never felt more out if place. As much as she hated being a carny, she hates suburbia more.Before she was even born, Emm’s mother had a dream that Emm was supposed to basically end all of humanity to make way for a new age. Holy crap!Her first day at a regular school doesn’t go very well at all, and Mr. Blake, the guidance counselor is a very strange little man who give her a key and tells her to go to “Mavis at the mall” and everything will turn out okay.“It was the kind of key you’d use to open a massive treasure chest, or the diary of a giant, or prison doors from from the dark ages.”She does meet Olly, and he is SO my kinda guy! While giving a presentation on Global Warming, he talks of surviving the Zombie Apocalyse… Complete with visual aids!Olly stands up for Emm after the resident “mean girl”, Jessica, embarrasses her in front of the entire class. Yeah… at this point I’m hoping Jessica is ripped apart by the zombies, and there’s not even enough left of her to reanimate. Just sayin. (yeah… I feel HORRIFIC for still putting that in my review after I’ve read the whole thing!)We’ve got Loyal John, Lucky (the REALLY OLD… super young and sexy guy), Olly, Emm and an “Devil Wears Prada” type villain chick turning everyone into zombies! Um… yes. ZPA is all sorts of fabulous!Zombie Princess Apocalypse is really a fairy tale… with princesses, frogs, evil witches and magic. Oh! And a princess tiara that will turn you into a zombie. I was completely taken by this book. I don’t know what I was “expecting”, but I got SO much more than I could’ve hoped for! This is SUCH an awesome book, I cannot WAIT for League of Justified Vengeance to come out!!!!BB Warning:Do not leisurely read this outside or in public… people will assume you’re a psycho as you laugh so hard that you begin to choke. Just sayin. Don’t say I never did anything for you. (ZPA is one of those books that you have to read it in it’s entirety, so before you ask yourself, “THE HELL IS HAPPENING?!” Just be PATIENT! )