Rhiannon Frater’s As The World Dies UNTOLD TALES (Vol 3) is broken up into multiple stories, as the previous two Untold Tales volumes were.If you’re unfamiliar with these particular tales, they are the UNTOLD tales from Rhiannon Frater’s AMAZING zombie trilogy, As the World Dies.Untold Tale #1 : RUNERune has been one of my very favorite and most beloved characters since his first appearance in the As the World Dies trilogy. He just has this PRESENCE that can’t be overlooked.His story in As the World Dies: The Untold Tales Volume 3 starts out heartbreaking and is as horrifying it is riveting!Rune can see spirits, he is a medium of sorts (I do hope this doesn’t spoil anything for anyone…) and he’s awakened by his daughter and grandson’s spirits while he’s on the road. Telling him that the world is no longer safe and he must SURVIVE.“For the last two hours he’d listened to the end of the world.”Running into a barricaded town on his way to check in on a friend, he actually runs into BRANDY – the chick Eric was with when the zombies came! Remember in Untold Tales Vol 1? She left him at the Bed & Breakfast and then he met Stacey!A bit later he runs across Tito! Remember Tito is the guy who helped Ken and Lenore escape the city!As Rune makes his way across Texas, the spirits of the dead become almost unbearably persistent until one particular ghost (I CRIED!!!) shows up with a message for him.He runs across Monica next, and I ALSO cry At the mention of Juan. Dear LORD almighty I didn’t realize how much I MISSED these characters!!!“Gritting his teeth, Rune played the Pied Piper to the zombie horde behind him.”We leave Rune raising hell, saving the day and heading for Waco! I swear, I hope when the zombies do attack, I have someone like Rune popping by every now and again to be my hero!!Untold Tale #2 : Senator Paige BrightmanSenator Paige Brightman’s story (the “leader” at the mall compound in Siege (As The World Dies, #3)When I turned the page on my kindle to see that Senator Brightman’s story was next, I PHYSICALLY recoiled from my beloved 4×6 device like it might decide to bite me or something!Paige Brightman’s story is a short one, but get across her malicious ways quite well!Untold Tale #3 : EMMA*tears*Emma’s story is so completely heartbreaking, and she’s a WICKED zombie killer.I knew who she was when a dark haired apparition appeared to her… That’s about all I can say without giving too much away – if for some ungodly reason you have yet to read the As the World Dies trilogy.I, PERSONALLY have very strong emotions toward Emma and her role in the As the Wold Dies and Untold Tales series – for reasons I can’t discuss without being TOTALLY spoilery and such!!!I will never tire of this series, of these characters or of the post-apocalyptic world created within! I need MORE! As The World Dies Untold Tales Volume 3 contain three new and completely fantastic additions to the world in the As the World Dies series by Rhiannon Frater!